2020 Br Bennos
November 6, 2020
Christmas at Br. Bennos
In years past, Girlfriends Care has done an Annual Blitz of events at Brother Benno’s on the Second Saturday in December followed by a Santa’s Closet event at the Thrift Shop the following week. Due to Covid 19, these normal events will not occur; however, we will be requesting support from you for the Children’s’ Party which will occur on December 12th as a “Drive-Thru” event at Brother Benno’s. Approximately 300 children and teens will receive Christmas stockings, stuffed animals, pajamas, and some gift cards. The parent will receive a $25.00 gift card for their family.
We are not requesting volunteers to be onsite for the event and hope to resume next year with our normal events. However, if you are planning a holiday family event or would like to get together with a few of your friends (socially distanced and masked, of course) perhaps you would consider inviting them to contribute and even perhaps make it a pajama wrapping party, that is, you wrap pajamas – but you can wear pajamas while you do it if you want! Be sure to mark the pajama size on the outside of the package for proper distribution.
Girlfriends Care encourages your support in any way that we may help Brother Benno’s with this fabulous holiday outreach.
Items can be delivered directly or mailed to Brother Benno’s Thrift Shop or to Helen Parsons, the project leader (addresses listed below). Helen can be reached at parsonsdavidt@outlook.com.
The following are items that Brother Benno’s is requesting to support the event. Items are needed by December 1st.
- Visa or MasterCard Gift Cards $10.00 up
- Pajamas- Teen Boys -S/M/L
- Monetary Donations (Mail Directly or contribute online through GFC by clicking the red Donate! heart below)
Please deliver donations to one of the following locations:
Helen Parsons (Please email parsonsdavidt@outlook.com for address)
Brother Benno’s Thrift Shop
Attn: Helen or Children’s Party
3955 Mission Ave,
Oceanside, CA 92058
Girlfriends Care contact: Diana@girlfriendscare.org or ditchome@aol.com
2020 Grandmas Care Drive
October 24, 2020
2020 Operation Hope
October 17, 2020
Regaining Independence
Operation Hope is a Vista shelter serving women and families with food, shelter and case management to help get them back on their feet. Shelter residents are required to participate in all shelter activities as they are a foundation to regaining independence and stability. Assistance is provided to help them with job skills, educational opportunities, housing and personal needs.
Operation Hope’s program is based on three Steps To Independence:
- Regain emotional stability
- Learn the skills for financial well-being
- Create healthy relationships and establish housing stability
Join our Virtual October Girlfriends Care meeting HERE by viewing this personal message to our Girlfriends from Operation Hope.
Key Points of the programs at Operation Hope:
We create a safe environment to support the transition from crisis to stability. Case managers help them determine individual goals, assess for immediate risks, provide immediate resources, and introduce help. - EDUCATION
We teach our adults and kids that being a part of a community develops strong and positive life skills through classes in personal growth, job readiness, and financial literacy and our kids’ homework and HOPE Club. - ACTION
Practicing healthy actions for healthy outcomes. Connecting to resources, breaking through barriers and achieving their goals of getting a job, start a savings account, and finding secure housing. - INDEPENDENCE
Practicing new behaviors of personal advocation, financial responsibility, and self-care. Securing permanent housing, connecting to our community partners for support and through the alumni mentor program.
Want to Help?
Our outreach for October is to collect the following donations for Operation Hope’s children and their families.
- Art Kits (purchased or make your own) for little’s (ages 4-10)
- Healthy Cereal
- Healthy Snacks (granola bars, crackers, etc.)
Volunteer Opportunities at Operation Hope include:
- Help Serve A Meal: 4:45-6:15 pm Mon.-Sun.
Help our staff serve the dinner provided by our awesome dinner providers! - Front Desk Help: 1-3 pm & 3-5:30 pm Thursdays & Sundays
Help our staff by being at our front desk and welcoming clients as they return to the shelter. For more information: https://www.operationhopeshelter.org/getinvolved
Next Step Forward
September 30, 2020
Which Well-Deserving young woman will receive this year’s Girlfriends Care Next Step Forward Award?
2020 has been a year of exceptional challenges.
There is certainly no shortage of women overcoming challenges that especially need this Award this year!
Girlfriends Care is excited to be able to offer this award again. This is a monetary award to help a woman who has overcome obstacles such as poverty, violence, abuse or neglect take the next step forward in her educational journey.
Applications can be submitted now until November 1, 2020. Please spread the word to any individuals that may qualify as well as any organizations that might help get the word out.Find out more about the award and access the application by going to GirlfriendsCare.org – then click on Next Step Forward Award (or click here).
2020 Jeans Drive
August 1, 2020
When: | Drop off locations available between August 1 and 31. Email info@girlfriendscare.org for locations. |
Sizes: | All sizes needed to fit tots to teens |
Condition: | Jeans should be in very good/new condition |
Jeans will be distributed to kids in local transition programs such as Solutions for Change, Operation Hope, and, inventory allowing, additional kids in need in North County through local agencies. How you can get involved:
- Have kids gather outgrown jeans from their own closets and set aside for donation those they would be proud to wear.
- Ask friends and neighbors to participate. Either casually, or at a simple event hosted by the kids such as an ice cream social. Everyone brings jeans.
- Support local businesses and consider donating a new pair or two.
- Get your church, club, school or team involved! And set up a convenient drop off location for the members.
- Make a drop box and ask a local business to take donations. Make sure you check the location regularly and empty the box as needed!
If you have a business in Oceanside, Vista or Carlsbad that would be willing to participate by accepting donations, please let us know. Contact Girlfriends Care at info@girlfriendscare.org with details.
2020 Milestone
Girlfriends Support Milestone House
Milestone House is not only a refuge for troubled foster teens, but an entire program dedicated to help them believe in themselves again, and become contributing members of our community.
Want to Help?
If it is in your heart to contribute to the recovery of these girls – you may either
- Go into their site MilestoneHouse.org (letting them know you’re a Girlfriend) or
- Drop off any of their needed items to the dropoff sites below:
Twin sheets
Twin comforters
Plastic kitchen ware
San Diego Food Bank Drive

For every $1
the San Diego Food Bank can provide
5 meals to families in need!
For the month of June we encourage you to take a moment and watch this video from Alden Domini at Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank to learn what they are doing to help our community during this current crisis.
Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank and their North County Food Bank chapter provide emergency food to vulnerable families affected by the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic. These Food Banks comprise the largest hunger-relief organization in San Diego County and distribute food to those in need at 200 distribution sites across the county as well as through 500 nonprofits with feeding programs.
Want to Help?
No need to don a mask and head out to the stores, you can have fun shopping from the comfort of your home! Just follow this link and “purchase” food that will go directly to those in need. Not only can you be assured that you are getting the best price (the Food Bank is able to purchase food at very low cost), but Girlfriends Care will also match the first $1,500 donated.
To learn more about how lives are being changed, watch this video.
We hope that you and your loved ones are staying well and safe.
Helping during COVID-19
As our community comes together during the COVID-19 outbreak, this is a time when our hearts go out to everyone in need. Because our nonprofit partners serve those especially vulnerable during this crisis, and we have been asked what else we can do, you will find below options from some of our partners if you would like to help. Most of the organizations offer the option to donate through their website also.
We at Girlfriends Care hope you and your loved ones are staying physically and mentally healthy during these unusual times.
- Donate online at https://sandiegofoodbank.org/response/ or mail a check to Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank, 9850 Distribution Avenue, San Diego, CA 92121-2320.
- Volunteer in one of their two warehouses (Miramar or Vista). Sign up for shifts at https://northcountyfoodbank.org/volunteer
Supplies needed for bagged lunches (Dining Room is currently closed):
- Bread,
- lunch meat
- Individual (lunch sized) snack packages of: Chips, cookies, crackers, nuts, fruit snacks, fruit cups
- Individual beverages:bottled water, sports drinks (Gatorade, etc.), fruit juice
- Sandwich size baggies (Ziplock, etc.)
Donations are accepted at: The Brother Benno’s Center, 3260 Production Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92058 (760) 439-1244. Questions? Contact Jan or Darryl at The Brother Benno’s Center.
Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday – no donations on Thursdays please) 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Saturday)
• Nonperishable food items
• Trash bags,
• Toilet paper & Paper towels
• Diapers
• Hand Sanitizer/Lysol/Bleach & Isopropyl Alcohol 70-90%
• Pure Aloe Vera• Hand soap• Gloves (M/L)• Hygiene Products
Please drop off all donations off anytime at 722 W California Ave, Vista, CA 92083
Cash donations can be made online or mail a check to the address above.
- Liquid Hand Soap, Dish Soap, Paper Towels,
- Bottled Water,
- Diapers (Size 5 & 6), Baby Wipes,
For kids projects:
- Glue, Tape, Paper (Construction or plain white),
- Puzzles, self-guided craft kits
They are also continuing their “paddle raise” from the Gala that was cancelled. $50 supports a family, with services, housing, etc. for a day. Website: www.operationhopeshelter.org
Please drop off all donations off at 859 E Vista Way, Vista, CA 92084 or 3982 Foothills Ave, Carlsbad, CA 920078.
The Boys & Girls Club has been closed except for lunch distribution and their current need is financial support.
Donate Online at https://www.bgcvista.org/about/support-boys-girls-club or donate by mail to: 410 W California Ave, Vista, CA 92083
- Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Deodorant , Shampoo & conditioner
- Clear water bottles
- Cotton fabric to make masks for the clients. Or if you know of anyone that can make masks for the clients that would be awesome! Other option are Scarfs to cover face.
Contact for Delivery:
760-439-6702 x 1230
760-579-3275 (cell)
- Cleaning supplies, paper towels, toilet paper, toiletry items,
- Games, craft-making supplies, puzzles, and art supplies
Donations can be dropped off at The Church at Rancho Bernardo. Please mark them for Alabaster Jar.
Visit their new social enterprise, a venture to hopefully help employ the women they provide housing to. Check it out here
- Masks and gloves
- Bottled Water, shelf-ready snacks
- Monetary Donations
Donations can be dropped off at:
1050 North Broadway
Escondido, CA 92025
Monday to Friday from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
215 Barnes Street
Oceanside, CA 92054
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
For more information contact Charity Brant | cbrant@ymca.org
Online donations would be most welcome to help offset the extra expenses of the shelter-in-place order
Donate online at: www.MilestoneHouse.org
Critical Needs: Gift cards for former foster youth to purchase essential needs such as groceries, sanitizers and paper products
- Donate online at Just in Time for Foster Youth and select “General Operations”. In the “Comments” section, specify that you’d like your donation to go towards gift cards (you can list amount and which store and JIT staff will purchase the gift cards on your behalf) or leave the Comments section blank your donation will go towards their greatest need.
- Visit Walmart Gift Cards to purchase a gift card and have it delivered to Just in Time. There is no delivery or service fee, so 100% of your purchase goes towards supporting youth participants!
- You can also do the same with Amazon Gift Cards. Order online and have it delivered to JIT. There is no additional charge to purchase an Amazon Gift Card, but there IS an additional charge to purchase a NON-Amazon gift card (i.e Walmart/Target, etc) through Amazon.com.
Please have gift cards mailed to (rather than dropping off): P.O Box 601627, San Diego, CA 92160.
- Toiletries,
- Socks, sweatshirts, rain ponchos
- Art supplies
Please donate online at www.monarchschools.org. Click on COVID-19 Wish List and order products shown through Amazon.
- Financial donations
- Meals and commercially packed snacks for families
- Support for their San Diego Raffle with a chance to win a prize!
- Create an online fundraiser with friends and family
Donate Online: https://rmhcsd.org/ways-to-help-during-covid-19/
2020 Got Your Back San Diego Food Drive
Posted 12/28/2019
Help us “Collect a Grand of Food” to Feed the Children!
![]() |
That’s 1,000 items of nutrition for Got Your Back San Diego to help in the local fight against childhood hunger! Can we do it? |
“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!”
- Individual serving oatmeal packages (3 ounce single servings, cup or packets)
- Individual serving shelf-stable milk (8 ounce single servings of almond milk, soy milk, or rice milk not needing refrigeration).
- Nutritious Snack Bars
- Bar Soap (no liquid soap)
Click here for a flyer to use for your own drive.
Donated food items not included on this list will be distributed to other organizations in need.
DELIVER TO ANY DROP SITE JANUARY 11-26! Tax deductible receipt available upon request. To find a drop-off location nearest you or to be a drop-off location, please contact us at info@girlfriendscare.org.
October Meeting
Posted 9/29/19
Join us at the San Diego Food Bank
This is your invitation to join us for a casual GFC Brunch meeting at the San Diego Food Bank!
Elisa Villarreal, Grants Manager at the San Diego Food Bank, will provide an overview of how this amazing organization is working to stop hunger in San Diego County. She will also give us a tour of their impressive facility.
WHO: | Girlfriends Care, Guys Care Too, Teens Care, and Guests |
WHAT: | Girlfriends Care Casual Brunch Meeting. Dress is Saturday Casual! |
WHEN: | Saturday, October 12, 2019, 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon |
WHERE: | San Diego Food Bank, 9850 Distribution Avenue, San Diego 92121
Park in lot straight ahead as you arrive or directly in front of the warehouse. Enter through the main entrance with the large logo overhead. |
HOW: | RSVP NOW to RSVPNC@girlfriendscare.org AND let us know if you’d like to bring a brunch dish to share. Be sure to bring a friend or two! |
For our mini-outreach, we’re collecting the following non-perishable foods:
- Peanut Butter (no sugar added), Powdered Milk (low or nonfat),
- Canned Chicken, Tuna (in water) or Soup (low-sodium & low-fat),
- Dry or Canned Beans (low-sodium), Brown or Wild Rice
- Fruit (packed in water or light syrup), Cereals (low-sugar whole grain),
- Canned Vegetables (low-sodium and no salt added)
Tax-deductible receipts available upon request!