Carlsbad Village Faire

Posted: 09/29/19

Carlsbad Street Faire

Sunday, November 3rd, 8AM – 4PM
 Village of Carlsbad In front of Linda’s Gifts
            300 Carlsbad Village Drive at Carlsbad Boulevard


Girlfriends Care will join hundreds of vendors at the largest single day street fair in the nation. Come share a couple hours of your time for Girlfriends Care while you’re there and help us spread the word about the needs in our community.

For more information, contact Carol at

Carlsbad Cares & Shares 2019

Posted 09/24/19

You, your family and friends are invited to join us…

Carlsbad Cares & Shares

In support of Girlfriends Care and our partners,  Linda’s Gifts and
the Merchants of the Carlsbad Village Faire Shopping Center
have planned a fun afternoon of Giving, Live Music, Prize
Drawings, Shopping and maybe you’ll want to enjoy lunch too!
 Wednesday, October 2nd, 11:00AM – 3:00PM
 Village Faire Central Courtyard
            300 Carlsbad Village Drive at Carlsbad Boulevard




GFC ambassadors are needed for 2 hours shifts on the day of the event to greet participants, share what Girlfriends Care does, and assist in the collection of donated items.  Sign up here.


Join us at the event and/or donate one of the following items below to help the hungry, the homeless and the hurting for the holidays!  Tax deductible receipts available upon request.

NEW Socks! (For LaPosada, Fill-a-Belly, Brother Benno’s, Bread of Life, etc. The homeless don’t have washing machines!) For ALL Ages

NEW Beanie Hats! For those in transition. For ALL Ages

NEW Wash Cloths (For those in transition homes and the homeless)

NEW Toys for the Holiday (For children living in transitional housing such as Solutions for Change, Women’s Resource Center, and Family Recover Center, etc.)

New Items for GFC Gift Bags (For women living in transition homes – 8oz lotions, body wash, journals, pens, costume jewelry, & “girlie” gift items)

Boxes of Individual Packages of Mac N Cheese & Oatmeal (for hungry, homeless teens)       



Please come to Care & Share with us!

2019 Annual Luncheon

Girlfriends Care Celebrates 14 Years!

Come celebrate with us, enjoy a wonderful lunch, talk to some of our Partner Non-Profit organizations, and hear stories about changed lives. 

WHO: Girlfriends Care, Guys Care Too, Teens Care, and Guests
WHAT: Girlfriends Care Annual Luncheon
WHEN: Saturday, Sept 14th, 2019 11:30am-1:30pm
WHERE: The Green Dragon Tavern and Museum,
6115 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, CA 92011
COST: $30 person
HOW: Use this MAGIC LINK for more details and to join the FUN!

August Meeting in North County

Posted 7/27/19


Boys and Girls Club of Vista

Join Girlfriends Care for a Casual Brunch and learn more about the Boys & Girls Club of Vista!  The Boys & Girls Club of Vista provides a safe place for kids to learn and grow while developing positive relationships with their peers and adult mentors through sports, fitness, academic enrichment and life skills classes.    There is no cost to attend and we’ll have you out in plenty of time to do your weekend errands!  

WHO: Girlfriends Care, Guys Care Too, Teens Care, and Guests
WHAT: Girlfriends Care Casual Brunch Meeting. Dress is Saturday Casual!
WHEN: Saturday, 8/10/19 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
WHERE: Boys & Girls Club of Vista located at: 410 W California Avenue, Vista Parking available in the front lot or on the street. (Meeting room is not handicapped accessible. Please make a note when you RSVP if you need assistance.)
WHY: To learn more about the programs benefiting the children served by the Boys & Girls Club of Vista.  Also enjoy a personal tour of the facility.
HOW: RSVP NOW to AND let us know if you’d like to bring a brunch dish to share. Be sure to bring a friend or two!


We’ll be collecting the following items for Boys and Girls Club of Vista this month to be used during their STEAM (Science, Technology, Art & Math) and Power Hour (homework) time:

Colored Pencils
Scissors (kid size) 
Glue Sticks
White Glue
Watercolor paper
Tempera Paint 
Paint Brushes (art size)
Play Dough

Please bring donated items to the Aug 10th Girlfriends Care meeting at the Boys & Girls Club of Vista.  

Tax-deductible receipts available upon request!

Jeans Drive for Kids

This July, Girlfriends Care will be helping local kids by collecting and distributing new or gently used jeans just in time for school.  You know; the outgrown ones in our closets which are still in great condition.  Some may look like they’ve never been worn!
When: Drop off locations available between July 1 and 31. Email for locations or pickup.
Sizes: All sizes needed to fit tots to teens
Condition: Jeans should be in very good/new condition

Jeans will be distributed to kids in local transition programs such as Solutions for Change, Operation Hope, and, inventory allowing, additional kids in need in North County through local agencies.
How you can get involved:

  • Have kids gather outgrown jeans from their own closets and set aside for donation those they would be proud to wear.
  • Ask friends and neighbors to participate.  Either casually, or at a simple event hosted by the kids such as an ice cream social.  Everyone brings jeans.
  • Get your church, club, school or team involved!  And set up a convenient drop off location for the members.
  • Make a drop box and ask your bank, dry cleaners, community center or library to take donations.  Make sure you check the location regularly and empty the box as needed!

If you have a business in Oceanside, Vista or Carlsbad that would be willing to participate by accepting donations, please let us know.  Contact Girlfriends Care at with details. 

This is a great no-cost way for your kids to help other local kids in need!

June Meeting in North County

Girlfriends Support Fill-A-Belly

Please join us for our June meeting to learn more about Fill-A-Belly and how they are building relationships with the homeless by breaking bread together.


WHO: Girlfriends Care, Grandmas Care, Guys Care Too, Teens Care, and Guests
WHAT: Girlfriends Care Casual Brunch Meeting. Dress is Saturday Casual!
WHEN: Saturday, June 8th, 2019, 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
WHERE: Get Smart WorkSpaces, 2888 Loker Ave East, Ste 111, Carlsbad, 92010.
WHY: Meet Fill-A-Belly and learn more about our smorgasbord of outreach from which to choose as you enjoy the company of friends!
HOW: RSVP NOW to AND let us know if you’d like to bring a brunch dish to share.   Be sure to bring a friend or two!
Please consider donating any of the following items at our meeting to be used by Fill-A-Belly
  • Non-styrofoam ‘to go” containers,
  • Sturdy large paper plates
  • Sunscreen (small tubes)

Smorg May 2019

Posted: May 18, 2019

Volunteer Opportunities


New or Upcoming Opportunities
  • Family Recovery Center – At our May meeting we learned that residents at FRC could use the following items:
    • Personal hygiene items (deodorant, 8 oz bottles of shampoo, hair products for all hair types, etc.)
    • Daily planners notebooks, journals, binders, clipboards, stationary
    • Diapers and wipes
    • Pillows
    • Plus size clothing 
  • Grandmas Care Summer Drive – Donate flip flops, hats and sunglasses for children of all ages and women in transition. Our goal is to collect 70 each to be distributed mid July. Contact Rosita at for more information.
  • Operation HopePrepare and serve dinner for 45 (mostly children) on June 5, 16 or 29.  Arrive at 5:00 to serve at 5:30.  Perfect opportunity for several families or a small group.  For more details and to sign up, contact Lara Buros or
Ongoing Opportunities
  • GFC Gift Bags for women in need– Supplies are needed to fill GFC Gift Bags. A beautiful gift bag brings a smile to those with very little. Girlfriends Care decorates and puts together gifts bags for women and girls in need, We need new journals, beauty items, jewelry and other “girly” items to fill the bags.  Contact Diana Hanes at if you would like to donate or bring them to a monthly meeting.  
  • Prayer Pillowcases – Girlfriends are needed to help cut, iron and sew our Prayer Pillowcases in preparation for the distribution of more than 700 pillowcases each year to comfort the homeless and those living in transitional housing in both North County and San Diego. Girlfriends are also needed to lead groups of kids decorating and praying for the receiver.  Contact Linda Crawford at for more information and/or to make a project donation.
  • Homeless Street Teens and Foster Youth Aging out of the system – Donate non-perishable snacks or socks to be handed out to the homeless teens through YMCA Youth & Family Services. Bring to the next Girlfriends Care meeting or drop off at any of our drop off locations or contact Charity at
  • Milestone House, Support At-Risk Teen Foster Girls!  Milestone House is in need of volunteers who are willing to share their teaching talents in areas needed – such as music, art or cooking.  Contact Beverly Boone at  
  • Help Women and Children Rebuilding Their Lives After Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault – The moms and children living in transitional housing at the Women’s Resource Center always need basic household supplies and grocery store gift cards.   Drop your donation during regular business hours at their office at 1963 Apple Street, Oceanside 92054 – or bring to a GFC meeting.
  • Brother Benno’s– Volunteers are always needed at both the main center and the Thrift Shop. Contact Denise Seymour at  The Thrift shop is in needed of clothing donations.  Drop off at the Thrift Shop or contact  
  • Bread of Life– Serving neighbors without homes in North County.  Volunteers are needed for various projects.  To find out more go to website or contact Donations of food and paper products are in need!
  • Fill A Belly welcomes families, small groups and individuals to bring, serve and enjoy dinner with guests on Tuesday evenings at Holiday Park in Carlsbad.
  • Boys and Girls Club of Vista After school assistance with children’s programs and activities needed.  Also seeking administrative help and assistance with fundraisers and special programs. Contact Ellen Clark at
  • Operation Hope  Be a Grandparent for a Day to children in transition! Every 2nd Saturday Operation Hope is in need of 5 seniors to spend the morning loving on the children living at Operation Hope. RSVP to Lizeteh at
  • KidzCare– Hands-on kid sized outreach projects for kids age K-8th grade are great teaching tools!  Contact Sharon at for more information or to sign up.
  • Teens Care for ages 13-19 is designed to provide meaningful volunteer opportunities for youth.  Projects can count towards community service hours required by local schools.  For more info or to get on the mailing list, contact Ellen at
  • Have a talent to share? Contact to add your name to our list of those willing to teach, sing, play an instrument or share your skill at an upcoming event, senior home, or other organization we serve. (Please indicate name, email address, talent and best times available.) 
  • “GFC Breakfast Club”: Help feed the poor and homeless at Brother Benno’s on the 3rd Saturday of each month (except December).  Arrive at 9:30 AM and finish by Noon!  The food, which is supplied and prepared by Brother Benno’s, is served from a cafeteria-type line. If you want to serve, or just to put your name on the Serving Roster to be notified for future months, please let us know at   Ages 17 thru 107 are welcome!
  • Amazon-SMILE is a simple and automatic way for you to support Girlfriends Care every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop, AmazonSmile donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to Girlfriends Care.  Simply choose AmazonSmile and Girlfriends Care, then place your order as usual.   Share this with your friends, relatives, college students ordering their books, etc., so we can “Compound the Caring” for all those we serve!  AmazonSmile: You shop. Amazon gives.  Another Win-Win-Win!

Grandmas Care – Flip Flops, Hats & Sunglasses

Updated 5/30/19

We have already collected all the flip flops we wanted to collect!
Way to go girlfriends!!!!!
We are still in need of hats/visors and sunglasses.
Thank you all for your generosity!

Help our Grandmas Care with their Summer Project collecting flip flops, hats and sunglasses for children of all ages and women in transition. Our goal is to collect 70 each to be distributed mid July. Contact Rosita at for more information.

May Meeting in North County

Posted: 4/23/19

Join Girlfriends Care for a Casual Brunch at Family Recovery Center, a residential treatment program in Oceanside that helps mothers in recovery from substance abuse. There is no cost to attend and we’ll have you out in plenty of time to do your weekend errands!  
Our hands-on Outreach Project for this meeting will be to create GFC Spring Gift Bags for the women at FRC!  Always a special treat for them and for us! 

Our Gift Bags are filled with a variety of “girlie items” that are donated all through the year which is appreciated. Every gift bag is individual designed by individuals and teams of ladies that enjoy the artistic flair and the recipients love them. Contents may include unused make-up (nail polish, eye liner, shadow, lipstick, blush), 8 oz. hand creams, body washes, perfumes…plus some girlie scarves, costume jewelry, picture frames, journals, small books of inspiration, etc.

WHO: Girlfriends Care, Guys Care Too, Teens Care, and Guests
WHAT: Girlfriends Care Casual Brunch Meeting. Dress is Saturday Casual!
WHEN: Saturday, May 11, 2019, 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
WHERE: Family Recovery Center 1100 Sportfisher Drive in Oceanside, enter through Lower Level.
WHY: To learn more about the transformation of the old TriCity Hospital to the current FRC life-changing center and create some “gifts of caring” for the women.
HOW: RSVP NOW to AND let us know if you’d like to bring a brunch dish to share.   Be sure to bring a friend or two!


April Meeting in North County

Girlfriends Support Alabaster Jar

Please join us for our very first Girlfriends Care meeting focusing on the local trafficking issue in San Diego County!  Kyle Moss, co-founder of The Alabaster Jar Project, will be joining us to share how Alabaster Jar helps with healing the survivors of those able to escape right here in our communities. 
We will also put together self-care baskets/gift bags for some of the ladies in the program, including cards of encouragement to help them through their journey.”

WHO: Girlfriends Care, Grandmas Care, Guys Care Too, Teens Care, and Guests
WHAT: Girlfriends Care Casual Brunch Meeting. Dress is Saturday Casual!
WHEN: Saturday, April 13th, 2019, 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
WHERE: Get Smart WorkSpaces, 2888 Loker Ave East, Ste 111, Carlsbad, 92010.
WHY: Meet Alabaster Jar and learn more about our smorgasbord of outreach from which to choose as you enjoy the company of friends!
HOW: RSVP NOW to AND let us know if you’d like to bring a brunch dish to share.   Be sure to bring a friend or two!
The Alabaster Jar Project will be joining us at our meeting – and has indicated that if anyone attending wanted to bring packages of ladies underwear (all sizes) with them, they would be happy to take them back to the ladies at the safe house with them.











For more details, email us directly at

Girlfriends Care, Inc. is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, Federal Tax ID# 26-2417011.