2022 Holiday Needs – Br. Bennos
Posted 11/18/22
Kid’s Christmas Party
Brother Bennos is hosting a holiday party for 450 kids this year on December 18th at Brother Benno’s Thrift Shop.
- Come help prepare for the party the week before the event.
- Volunteer to do simple face painting & make balloon animals, previous experience needed.
- Donate the following items:
- New Pajamas- to include larger sizes for teens
- New Stuffed Animals
- $25 Walmart Gift Cards
- Monetary donations can be made here on their website or mailed to Br. Bennos at P.O. Box 308, Oceanside, CA 92049
All donations are needed by December 10th.
For details or questions email Helen at: helenparsons75@outlook.com. Donations can be dropped off at the Thrift Store clearly marked ”Kids Party”. If you need a closer drop off location, please contact us at passion2serve@girlfriendscare.org.