2023 Holiday Needs – Solutions for Change
Updated 11/1/23
Operation Jingle Bells
For the 6th year in a row, a team of girlfriends will be making Christmas a memorable season for the newest families at Solutions for Change by secretly decorating their living quarters while they are away as part of Solutions for Change’s yearly Operation Jingle Bells event (previously known as Breaking and Entering). As in previous years, we hope to provide families with new items such as: blankets, pillows, sheets, towels, gingerbread houses, decorations to “DECK THE HALLS” inside and out and of course gifts from Santa for parents & children.
- Our greatest need is monetary donations as soon as possible so our team can shop for all the specific items that are needed. Click here to donate to this event.
- There will be limited 2 hour shifts available if you want to help with the event on December 6th.
For details on this event, please reach out to Terri Williams at 760-473-7067 or Ttscupofjoe@yahoo.com.